I've been toying with some art styles just for test purposes that allows me to experiment with the level of "realism" required for the behavioral/emotional side to demonstate that at least partially you don't require realism to allow for emotion to show.
So I came up with this iconic character style based on a number of influences. Its great in that its one style I can actually manage to produce myself! ;) Even the UV layout is easy enough that I can make "skins" for the characters pretty quickly. I'll get an artist to rework them once the world is populated and playing nicely.
So here is the great reveal :)

As you can probably tell, the rest of the world is a work in progress. I need to skin some city blocks up in a similar style to see how that would work. But the "boxes for everything" style certainly works. Plus the faces will be easier to animate using a render to texture for that part anyway. Composition for the win!
Till next time.